Η Adobe αναβαθμίζει τις εφαρμογές της για video στο Adobe Creative Cloud

Η Adobe αναβαθμίζει τις εφαρμογές της για video στο Adobe Creative Cloud

Η Adobe ανακοίνωσε τη διάθεση νέων και σημαντικών updates για τα Adobe Premiere Pro CC, Adobe After Effects CC, Adobe SpeedGrade CC, Adobe Prelude CC, Adobe Media Encoder CC και Adobe Story CC Plus.
Πάνω από 150 βελτιώσεις προστέθηκαν με τις νέες αναβαθμίσεις, αναβαθμίσεις που είχαν ανακοινωθεί τον Σεπτέμβριο στο International Broadcasting Convention (IBC).
Ο Bill Roberts της Adobe είπε σχετικά: “Είδαμε πολλούς broadcasters, κινηματογραφιστές και επαγγελματίες του video να υιοθετούν τις εφαρμογές μας για video στο Adobe Creative Cloud και Adobe Anywhere, καθώς έψαχναν για ένα σύνολο εργαλείων που θα τους επιτρέψει να αντιμετωπίσουν την απαίτηση για μείωση των budgets και τις απαιτήσεις των νέων παραγωγών. Τα νέα στοιχεία και υπηρεσίες δίνουν στους πελάτες μας το workflow που αναζητούσαν, ενώ παράλληλα συνεχίζουμε την δέσμευση μας να προσφέρουμε συχνά, σημαντικές καινοτομίες στα μέλη του Creative Cloud και στους χρήστες του Adobe Anywhere.”

Αναλυτικά οι βελτιώσεις που έγιναν στο δελτίο τύπου της Adobe που ακολουθεί:
Major Updates to Adobe Video Apps Now Available
More than 150 Innovations Added to Creative Cloud Video Products and Adobe Anywhere for Video
UK, London — Oct. 31, 2013 — Adobe (Nasdaq:ADBE) today announced the immediate availability of major new updates to the video apps in Adobe Creative Cloud, including new capabilities in Adobe Premiere Pro CC, Adobe After Effects CC, Adobe SpeedGrade CC, Adobe Prelude CC, Adobe Media Encoder CC and Adobe Story CC Plus.
Important updates will also be added to Adobe Anywhere® for video, to enable a range of tasks from ingest and logging to visual effects collaboration for large teams. A new Adobe Anywhere iPad app enables editors to browse shared productions and play media and sequences from the Adobe Anywhere Server on their iPads.
Today’s updates, which were initially previewed in September at the International Broadcasting Convention (IBC), include a direct link colour pipeline between Adobe Premiere Pro CC and Adobe SpeedGrade CC, expanded native support for brilliant visuals including 4K high frame rate content, a new mask tracker in Adobe After Effects, the Adobe Prelude CC Live Logger iPad app and many other feature enhancements.
“We’ve seen many broadcasters, filmmakers and video professionals adopt our video apps in Creative Cloud and Adobe Anywhere as they look for a toolset that allows them to thrive in the face of reduced budgets and demanding production timelines,” said Bill Roberts, director, video product management, Adobe. “The new features and services give our customers the streamlined workflow they have been asking for, while also continuing our commitment to provide significant innovations frequently for Creative Cloud members and Adobe Anywhere users.” Creative Cloud offers video professionals a membership-based service that provides users with unlimited access to download and install flagship Adobe professional video desktop applications as well as the full range of Adobe desktop applications for design, Web and photography. With Creative Cloud membership, users also have access to publishing services to deliver apps and websites, the ability to sync cloud storage, and new products and exclusive updates as soon as they’re released. This offers more efficient ways to share work with colleagues and the creative community; and enables more innovation, collaboration and efficient productions from post to broadcast. Key new updates to the video tools in Adobe Creative Cloud include:
• A new Direct Link Colour Pipeline between Adobe Premiere Pro CC and Adobe SpeedGrade CC provides an integrated workflow that allows users to share multi-track timelines seamlessly back and forth; open Adobe Premiere Pro CC sequences in Adobe SpeedGrade CC quickly; and see the results as effects in Adobe Premiere Pro CC that are managed by the Lumetri Deep Colour Engine.
• Expanded native support for 4K and higher resolutions, high frame rates and RAW formats, enables editors to work with footage from the hottest new high-res cameras, including the 6K Red Dragon, natively – without having to wait to transcode and re-wrap files.
• The Mask Tracker in Adobe After Effects CC enables video professionals to create masks and apply effects that track automatically frame-by-frame throughout a composition to save countless hours of tedious work. Page 2 of 2
Major Updates to Adobe Video Apps Now Available
• A more streamlined editing environment provides editors with new definable metadata capabilities including a new monitor overlay along with enhanced multi-cam support that makes it easy to turn individual camera angles on or off as you edit.
• The Adobe Prelude CC Live Logger iPad app, which enables users to log notes, events, and other data on their iPad while shooting, including the ability to sync with timecode on set via supported wireless timecode systems, and then sync metadata to footage via Creative Cloud for faster editing.
• Advanced colour grading with the new SpeedLooks in Adobe SpeedGrade CC offers dedicated camera patches. This allows users to match the colour spaces even across different camera formats. New multiple masks and linked mask layers capabilities also enable Adobe SpeedGrade CC users more control over complex looks.
• Adobe Anywhere Support for Adobe After Effects CC enables visual effects and motion graphic artists using Adobe After Effects CC to collaborate with other production team members, without the need to learn new software.
• Adobe Anywhere iPad App that enables users to view productions and play back sequences on the Adobe Anywhere server from the field or a remote location.
• Better media management enables users to find and load video assets with the new Media Browser in After Effects, improved workflows when linking back to source content with Link and Locate in Adobe Premiere Pro and automated image processing for customised media output with Adobe Media Encoder
Pricing and Availability
Current Adobe Creative Cloud members receive all of these innovations as part of their existing membership, at no extra cost. Special promotional pricing is available to existing customers who own CS3 or later. Individual, education, team, government and enterprise membership plans are available. For pricing details, visit: https://creative.adobe.com/plans.
For Adobe Anywhere pricing, please contact an Adobe account representative at anywhere@adobe.com or visit http://www.adobe.com/uk/products/adobeanywhere.html.
For more information on Adobe Creative Cloud, Adobe Premiere Pro CC, Adobe After Effects CC, Adobe SpeedGrade CC, Adobe Prelude CC, Adobe Media Encoder CC, Adobe Story CC Plus and other apps available in Adobe Creative Cloud, visit www.adobe.com/uk/products/creativecloud.html.
The Adobe Prelude CC Live Logger iPad app and Adobe Anywhere iPad app are now available in the Apple app store. About Adobe Systems Incorporated
Adobe is changing the world through digital experiences. For more information, visit www.adobe.com/uk/.



Βάιος Βήτος

Ο Βάιος Βήτος είναι επαγγελματίας φωτογράφος και λάτρης της φωτογραφίας. Εκτός της επαγγελματικής του ιδιότητας ως φωτογράφος στο παρελθόν έχει εργαστεί για πολλά χρόνια στον τομέα του λιανικού εμπορίου φωτογραφικού εξοπλισμού αποκτώντας πολύτιμες γνώσεις για το αντικείμενο. Δημιούργησε το pttlgr με σκοπό την καθημερινή έγκυρη ενημέρωση για οτιδήποτε έχει σχέση με την φωτογραφία.

Ποιά είναι η γνώμη σου;

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